What is: Bottom-up Path Augmentation?
Source | Path Aggregation Network for Instance Segmentation |
Year | 2000 |
Data Source | CC BY-SA - https://paperswithcode.com |
Bottom-up Path Augmentation is a feature extraction technique that seeks to shorten the information path and enhance a feature pyramid with accurate localization signals existing in low-levels. This is based on the fact that high response to edges or instance parts is a strong indicator to accurately localize instances.
Each building block takes a higher resolution feature map and a coarser map through lateral connection and generates the new feature map Each feature map first goes through a convolutional layer with stride to reduce the spatial size. Then each element of feature map and the down-sampled map are added through lateral connection. The fused feature map is then processed by another convolutional layer to generate for following sub-networks. This is an iterative process and terminates after approaching . In these building blocks, we consistently use channel 256 of feature maps. The feature grid for each proposal is then pooled from new feature maps, i.e., {, , , }.