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What is: Deep Boltzmann Machine?

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A Deep Boltzmann Machine (DBM) is a three-layer generative model. It is similar to a Deep Belief Network, but instead allows bidirectional connections in the bottom layers. Its energy function is as an extension of the energy function of the RBM:

E(v,h)=i_iv_ib_iN_n=1kh_n,kb_n,k_i,kv_iw_ikh_kN1_n=1_k,lh_n,kw_n,k,lh_n+1,l E\left(v, h\right) = -\sum^{i}\_{i}v\_{i}b\_{i} - \sum^{N}\_{n=1}\sum_{k}h\_{n,k}b\_{n,k}-\sum\_{i, k}v\_{i}w\_{ik}h\_{k} - \sum^{N-1}\_{n=1}\sum\_{k,l}h\_{n,k}w\_{n, k, l}h\_{n+1, l}

for a DBM with NN hidden layers.

Source: On the Origin of Deep Learning