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What is: GhostNet?

SourceGhostNet: More Features from Cheap Operations
Data SourceCC BY-SA -

A GhostNet is a type of convolutional neural network that is built using Ghost modules, which aim to generate more features by using fewer parameters (allowing for greater efficiency).

GhostNet mainly consists of a stack of Ghost bottlenecks with the Ghost modules as the building block. The first layer is a standard convolutional layer with 16 filters, then a series of Ghost bottlenecks with gradually increased channels follow. These Ghost bottlenecks are grouped into different stages according to the sizes of their input feature maps. All the Ghost bottlenecks are applied with stride=1 except that the last one in each stage is with stride=2. At last a global average pooling and a convolutional layer are utilized to transform the feature maps to a 1280-dimensional feature vector for final classification. The squeeze and excite (SE) module is also applied to the residual layer in some ghost bottlenecks.

In contrast to MobileNetV3, GhostNet does not use hard-swish nonlinearity function due to its large latency.