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What is: Label Quality Model?

SourceAn Instance-Dependent Simulation Framework for Learning with Label Noise
Data SourceCC BY-SA -

Label Quality Model is an intermediate supervised task aimed at predicting the clean labels from noisy labels by leveraging rater features and a paired subset for supervision. The LQM technique assumes the existence of rater features and a subset of training data with both noisy and clean labels, which we call paired-subset. In real world scenarios, some level of label noise may be unavoidable. The LQM approach still works as long as the clean(er) label is less noisy than a label from a rater that is randomly selected from the pool, e.g., clean labels can be from either expert raters or aggregation of multiple raters. LQM is trained on the paired-subset using rater features and noisy label as input, and inferred on the entire training corpus. The output of LQM is used during model training as a more accurate alternative to the noisy labels.