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What is: Metropolis Hastings?

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Metropolis-Hastings is a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm for approximate inference. It allows for sampling from a probability distribution where direct sampling is difficult - usually owing to the presence of an intractable integral.

M-H consists of a proposal distribution q(θθ)q\left(\theta^{'}\mid\theta\right) to draw a parameter value. To decide whether θ\theta^{'} is accepted or rejected, we then calculate a ratio:


We then draw a random number r[0,1]r \in \left[0, 1\right] and accept if it is under the ratio, reject otherwise. If we accept, we set θi=θ\theta_{i} = \theta^{'} and repeat.

By the end we have a sample of θ\theta values that we can use to form quantities over an approximate posterior, such as the expectation and uncertainty bounds. In practice, we typically have a period of tuning to achieve an acceptable acceptance ratio for the algorithm, as well as a warmup period to reduce bias towards initialization values.

Image: Samuel Hudec