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What is: OSA (identity mapping + eSE)?

SourceCenterMask : Real-Time Anchor-Free Instance Segmentation
Data SourceCC BY-SA -

One-Shot Aggregation with an Identity Mapping and eSE is an image model block that extends one-shot aggregation with a residual connection and effective squeeze-and-excitation block. It is proposed as part of the VoVNetV2 CNN architecture.

The module adds an identity mapping to the OSA module - the input path is connected to the end of an OSA module that is able to backpropagate the gradients of every OSA module in an end-to-end manner on each stage like a ResNet. Additionally, a channel attention module - effective Squeeze-Excitation - is used which is like regular squeeze-and-excitation but uses only one FC layer with CC channels instead of two FCs without a channel dimension reduction, which maintains channel information.