What is: Selective Search?
Year | 2000 |
Data Source | CC BY-SA - https://paperswithcode.com |
Selective Search is a region proposal algorithm for object detection tasks. It starts by over-segmenting the image based on intensity of the pixels using a graph-based segmentation method by Felzenszwalb and Huttenlocher. Selective Search then takes these oversegments as initial input and performs the following steps
- Add all bounding boxes corresponding to segmented parts to the list of regional proposals
- Group adjacent segments based on similarity
- Go to step 1
At each iteration, larger segments are formed and added to the list of region proposals. Hence we create region proposals from smaller segments to larger segments in a bottom-up approach. This is what we mean by computing “hierarchical” segmentations using Felzenszwalb and Huttenlocher’s oversegments.