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What is: SERLU?

SourceEffectiveness of Scaled Exponentially-Regularized Linear Units (SERLUs)
Data SourceCC BY-SA -

SERLU, or Scaled Exponentially-Regularized Linear Unit, is a type of activation function. The new function introduces a bump-shaped function in the region of negative input. The bump-shaped function has approximately zero response to large negative input while being able to push the output of SERLU towards zero mean statistically.

SERLU(x))=λ_serlux if x0\text{SERLU}\left(x\right)) = \lambda\_{serlu}x \text{ if } x \geq 0 SERLU(x))=λ_serluα_serluxex if x<0\text{SERLU}\left(x\right)) = \lambda\_{serlu}\alpha\_{serlu}xe^{x} \text{ if } x < 0

where the two parameters λ_serlu>0\lambda\_{serlu} > 0 and α_serlu>0\alpha\_{serlu} > 0 remain to be specified.