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What is: Triplet Loss?

SourceTriplet Loss in Siamese Network for Object Tracking
Data SourceCC BY-SA -

The goal of Triplet loss, in the context of Siamese Networks, is to maximize the joint probability among all score-pairs i.e. the product of all probabilities. By using its negative logarithm, we can get the loss formulation as follows:

L_t(V_p,V_n)=1MN_iM_jNlogprob(vp_i,vn_j)L\_{t}\left(\mathcal{V}\_{p}, \mathcal{V}\_{n}\right)=-\frac{1}{M N} \sum\_{i}^{M} \sum\_{j}^{N} \log \operatorname{prob}\left(v p\_{i}, v n\_{j}\right)

where the balance weight 1/MN1/MN is used to keep the loss with the same scale for different number of instance sets.