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What is: Multi-scale Progressive Fusion Network?

SourceMulti-Scale Progressive Fusion Network for Single Image Deraining
Data SourceCC BY-SA -

Multi-scale Progressive Fusion Network (MSFPN) is a neural network representation for single image deraining. It aims to exploit the correlated information of rain streaks across scales for single image deraining.

Specifically, we first generate the Gaussian pyramid rain images using Gaussian kernels to down-sample the original rain image in sequence. A coarse-fusion module (CFM) is designed to capture the global texture information from these multi-scale rain images through recurrent calculation (Conv-LSTM), thus enabling the network to cooperatively represent the target rain streak using similar counterparts from global feature space. Meanwhile, the representation of the high-resolution pyramid layer is guided by previous outputs as well as all low-resolution pyramid layers. A finefusion module (FFM) is followed to further integrate these correlated information from different scales. By using the channel attention mechanism, the network not only discriminatively learns the scale-specific knowledge from all preceding pyramid layers, but also reduces the feature redundancy effectively. Moreover, multiple FFMs can be cascaded to form a progressive multi-scale fusion. Finally, a reconstruction module (RM) is appended to aggregate the coarse and fine rain information extracted respectively from CFM and FFM for learning the residual rain image, which is the approximation of real rain streak distribution.